Whispering Room


Whispering Room


Audio, speakers, projected film loop

Looped playback of 16 audio tracks of various lengths (from 40 sec. to 3 min.)

Variable room size

Janet Cardiff

“Throughout the exhibition space are sixteen small bare audio speakers mounted on metal stands. The lighting is low. From each speaker a female voice is heard, sometimes conversing with another, describing events or actions from various viewpoints; observational, experiential, past, present, or future, in twenty to forty second segments. Each speaker plays a different dialogue. The story is unraveled by the way the listener moves from speaker to speaker through the space. Breaking into the atmosphere of quiet voices is an image projected onto the wall from a l6mm film projector. A film loop of a girl tap-dancing in the forest plays for 30 seconds and then shuts off.”
– Cardiff

Related Publications

Janet Cardiff, To Touch


Southern Alberta Art Gallery

ISBN 0-921613-58-X